I learned it as a child, and taught it to my children. So even though we've been taught to fear spiders or to think of them as undesirable, we also have this sweet nursery rhyme stored in our memory. Besides, remember the nursery rhyme, "Itsy Bitsy Spider?" Almost everyone learned that rhyme. Or for no occasion at all.
Yes, spider earrings or necklaces may go great with your Halloween costume, but these crawling creatures have a mystery about them that appeals to a lot of people, and who choose to wear spider jewelry for all kinds of occasions. Be ready to proudly say, "Yes, it really is a spider!" Don't think that Gothic teenagers are the only ones who wear spider jewelry, or that it is only for Halloween. For surely, you will attract a lot of attention; you will find even strangers peering closely and in wonderment at the spider pendant around your neck or the spider ring on your hand. One thing is for sure: this jewelry is not for the woman or man who is shy and doesn't want attention! But every piece of spider jewelry is unique, special, and just perhaps spellbinding!
Or spider earrings or necklaces may be silver, or created with colored gemstones. The color black often figures in the design, by way of a black pearl, black onyx, or black diamonds, or a combination of these. Spider earrings are probably the most popular item, followed next by spider pendants or necklaces. Spider jewelry is designed for everyone who loves these amazing eight-legged creatures.
Yes, spider earrings or necklaces may go great with your Halloween costume, but these crawling creatures have a mystery about them that appeals to a lot of people, and who choose to wear spider jewelry for all kinds of occasions. Be ready to proudly say, "Yes, it really is a spider!" Don't think that Gothic teenagers are the only ones who wear spider jewelry, or that it is only for Halloween. For surely, you will attract a lot of attention; you will find even strangers peering closely and in wonderment at the spider pendant around your neck or the spider ring on your hand. One thing is for sure: this jewelry is not for the woman or man who is shy and doesn't want attention! But every piece of spider jewelry is unique, special, and just perhaps spellbinding!
Or spider earrings or necklaces may be silver, or created with colored gemstones. The color black often figures in the design, by way of a black pearl, black onyx, or black diamonds, or a combination of these. Spider earrings are probably the most popular item, followed next by spider pendants or necklaces. Spider jewelry is designed for everyone who loves these amazing eight-legged creatures.