Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Best Ways to Clean Gold Jewelry

Best Ways to Clean Gold Jewelry
Best Ways to Clean Gold Jewelry
The easiest to use would probably be liquid dish As previously mentioned, there are different household cleaners that can be used to clean your jewelry. You should also make sure that your gold piece is rinsed off completely once you're done trying to clean it with the solution so that any residual soap does not later discolor your jewelry. To prevent this, you should use a slightly damp cloth dipped in the cleaning solution while you are cleaning around the area with the stone.

Another helpful hint for jewelry that has stones set into is to try to avoid letting soap scum build up near where the stones are mounted. These harsh chemicals can permanently discolor your precious jewelry so contact with them should definitely be avoided. One serious warning that gold jewelry lovers should heed before attempting to clean their pieces is to never let your pieces come into contact with chlorine or bleach. Even though Gold can be cleaned with a variety of commonly available household cleaners there are still some precautions that should be taken before getting started. Since silver has such a reputation for tarnishing and its cleaning requirements, gold jewelry is often overlooked as also needed some cleaning attention every now and then.

However, gold pieces can still get dirty during normal wear and should be cleaned to ensure that the pieces look the best that they can be. Fortunately for jewelry owners, gold jewelry does not tarnish like silver pieces do and therefore does not require as much maintenance to keep in wearable shape.